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what is OA all about?

Light Bulb
Light Bulb


Where it all began

Inspiration can strike at any time. At least, that's how the idea for Office Athlete came about. For me, it was one evening way back in 2015. Anne Hathaway & Robert De Niro starred in a film called 'The Intern', the memory of which set a series of events in motion; and, has continued ever since.


Let me explain. In one particular scene, Anne's character makes a poignant (albeit painfully true) observation as regards the difference between the last generation of men, who she refers to as 'Gentlemen'; and the current generation, which Anne dubs 'Man-Children'. 


'No-one calls men 'men' anymore. Have you noticed? Women went from girls to women. Men went from boys to men. This is a problem in the big picture. You know what I mean?'
(Anne Hathaway: The Intern (2015))


This line stayed with me for a long time even after the credits finished rolling. 'Man-Child' was certainly not how I wanted to be thought-of or represented in the world. But, as I mention above, Anne's painful observation was only painful because it contained elements of truth. There & then, I decided that I needed to make some dramatic changes in my life.


So that's exactly what I did! #OA


What we've become

From a momentary thought while sat on the sofa, Office Athlete has grown to become a fascination, an obsession & infinitely more real. What lessons I have learned and applied to my own life I hope to share with other people, so that they can benefit from the same insights. 


There's so much I can't wait to share with you.  



Image by lucas Favre


Where we're going

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